Bridging the gap between resources and those who need them.

Who Are We? community builders

Life4Real is a community- driven non-profit organization that works hand-in-hand with the community to bridge the gap between resources and those who need them.

We believe that everyone has a story and is vulnerable to hardship.

Those affected by human trafficking, domestic violence, and financial instability often face tremendous physical, emotional, and psychological trauma.

They can feel isolated and unsupported, with limited access to resources and help.

They need the support of their community to connect with the resources needed to heal, recover, and rebuild their lives.

THE NEED: community advocates

HOW DO WE HELP? connecting resources (in-kind, services)& raising awareness

Through a grassroots approach, we stand with members of our community who are facing vulnerability, exploitation, abuse, and injustice, offering awareness, support, and safe connections as they journey to overcome these hard places.

Through our initiatives and partnerships, we work to challenge assumptions and stigmas surrounding these issues, while providing critical resources, and connections to a brighter future.

Whether it's through simply connecting to neighbors, listening to stories, sharing stories, connecting through our awareness campaigns, meeting new people through the Care Bag program, or clothing donations, we're committed to making a positive difference in the lives of each person in our communities.

In 2023 Life4Real…

  • Donated over 45,000 pounds of clothing

  • Delivered over 500 Care Bags

  • Launched our self paced "Teams" Project

We did this by…

  • Clothes Sorting

    We collect and sort clothing for our local Partners and Community individuals in need. We have found that everyone and all ages can become part of the solution to fight many of the needs just by giving them something to wear.

  • Care Bag Program

    It all starts with us taking the time to look up and notic what is in our surroundings each day. This program will help you start making a change in your own community as you are going about your daily routine.

  • The Real Facts

    We have created 3 teams to help guide you at your own pace to a simple but truthful understanding of the tough topics surrounding Human Trafficking, Sexual Violence, and/or Financial Instability.

  • Real Stories

    Stories bring life to a situation. We have gathered simple real life stories to help you connect to the truths of what has really happened and how you can help.